Last summer my neighbor used to wait till dark to go on and hit his punching bag with a foam looking sword. Today I saw him outside with a spear like object hitting it. I am genuinely curious what is going on.

  1. Is he into LARPing? (live action roleplay)

    Does he dress as a knight or mage and go away for long weekends?

  2. Man’s training to defend the neighborhood against dragons.

    Because when the hellbeast comes, you can’t trust silly weak wizards in their tall towers. Only a piece of steel in your hands and a shield on your back is going to keep you safe.

  3. It’s the secret ritual, so he can gain access to the hive mind.

    We all have to do it at some point, else we can’t tell people what other unrelated people are doing things for.

    Usually, before we installed the hive mind, you’d have to Ask Him…

  4. You should watch “Role Models”. I believe he might be larping, slaying dragons perhaps.

  5. Does he clap together coconut shells and gallop around, because if so he might be re-enacting a movie.

    Yell: “I fart in your general direction.” Then: “Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!” and see what he does.

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