For a long time I hated my dad for being neglectful. I could never understand how he could be comfortable ignoring his family, work obligations, etc.

Now that he’s senile, I’ve started to reflect on his life. Although he has never been formally diagnosed, family friends who are therapists have pointed out that he has Autism. Considering that I am on the spectrum, it makes sense that the probability is high he has it, too.

His parents were aware he was different, but they tried to hide it and sheltered him. They were upper middle-class and felt social pressures to conform. My dad adored them and tried to live a conventional lifestyle to appease them.

The question: “why did my dad have a family when he never seemed to parent?” Makes sense to me now. He was appeasing social pressures from his parents because he loved them. When they passed away shortly afterwards, he lost his incentives and put in less effort.

As the title states:”Everything that feels insane at first glance probably has a sane reason you just haven’t figured out yet.” What have you now figure out?

  1. When I was younger I remember not really understanding motivations of people/characters who seemed to have a stable life, but rebelled against it or decided to take some crazy chance. Like Fight Club or whatever.

    Then I got out of college and got my first full time job. It was cool for maybe a year and then I started understanding the concept of “the daily grind” and wanted to do crazy things.

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