What are your personal ethics & values you swear by?

  1. I live by “Don’t start nothin’ won’t BE nothin'”

    In other words, keep your nose out of other people’s business and don’t start shit and life is pretty smooth sailing.

  2. Honesty, kindness, respect and fairness are at the core of my ethical principles and values.

  3. Really to treat other people the way I want to be treated. Often I think a good value to stick by is “don’t be an asshole.”

  4. I follow two things mainly:
    – Treat others as you would like to be treated
    – Las cosas bien hechas, bien parecen (Spanish phrase meaning to always do things Right instead of halfassing things)

    My mom used to always tell me these two and they stuck with me.

  5. Be kind, practice good morals,respect, etc. And mind my own business.

    I’m always amazed at the amount of people on Reddit who say they’d get involved, tell people they heard something about their spouse, interject in workplace drama that has nothing to do with them.

  6. Some specific things I swear by off the top of my head: don’t harm animals, don’t cheat on a partner, and don’t intentionally cause/inflict harm on others.

    (And the other values people have already shared are obvi great that I stand by and follow as well!)

    PS: Love & be happy

  7. I do my best to show others kindness and understanding, the same that I would want shown to me.

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