I a 25yr old female and a 28yr old male have recently been hooking up. We had mutual agreements and expectations of a casual relationship that we were comfortable with. This included hooking up once a week to once every two weeks, allowed to see others too. A timeframe of six months was also arranged as we knew a split was inevitable because of life situations. For two whole months we saw eachother per agreement with healthy messaging about the upcomimg weekend inbetween each meet.
We are only two months in and he has decided to call lt quits. He says he doesn’t have a particular reason just that he wants to stop this. This has really sucked as I was just getting into the rythym and being comfortable with our situation. I dont sleep around so I just wanted to be with a “friend” I trusted and knew.

Last time we met I got tipsy and puked because I didnt eat anything before. We didn’t finish having s*x but stayed up talking. Because I was tipsy I was getting very personal about my life and I could tell he was a bit uncomfortable. I dont remember everything I said. The next morning he was distant and made excuses the next two weeks to not see me. Within those two weeks I tried to keep in contact and wished him a friendly happy valentine days and tried to meet up for a hookup which he kept rejecting. For context, one of time we hooked up before I offered for him to come to the beach with me out of politeness he denied, which was all good. I even told him the next time I see him I would do some s*xy things he liked.

I cant help but wonder if he was put off from any of these events and if I was coming off too strong for him. When I say it was only platonic I mean it, I had absolutely no feelings towards him. I was just really excited to have a no strings attached situation for the next few months. Not to worry about dates, impressing someone, getting laid weekly. It was a good deal. My niceness and openess can come of too strong sometimes and I cant help but feel he thinks I am too much or coming on too strong and he is reading this wrong.

The fact that im not even good enough for a casual relationship hurts and I dont know what to do with this information. Its most fuckboys dreams, a girl who lets him do whatever and guaranteed good hooking up bi weekly! Am i really not good enough even for casual?!?!?! Do you think the above incidents was part of the reason? Am I not seeing something?

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