my boyfriend and i have been together for a year now, and the first time we had sex i gave him head. it was my first time ever giving head, and of course his first time receiving it because he was a virgin. anyway, it’s pretty big (in my opinion), and he’s very clean, so it’s not like anything is wrong with his penis or anything. but, it’s just not fun.

we’ve had sex plenty of times, and whenever he’s asked for head i try to dodge it, or just suggest we rather just have casual sex. don’t get me wrong, i’ve given head to him a few times, and i’ve told him that i don’t exactly “enjoy” (??) giving head, which he’s completely understanding of, but i feel bad.

is there any other ways i can satisfy him without giving him head, or resorting to just casual sex? i don’t want him to soon get bored…

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