Not to get into all of the stuff I’ve been through, but it might add some context. I was badly raped in HS and then abused in a longterm relationship for years. Soon after, I had a severe relapse with my eating disorder and had to go into treatment. A handful of close friends passed away that are my age (all tragically) within those years that really affected me and STILL do, but grief never goes away.

I’m (28f) and I have a college degree. I work a regular 9-5 career that I’m passionate about, applying for graduate programs and ready to move on from that stage of my life. I go to therapy twice a week and have a dietitian now. But every time I date, I am so scared to open up and tell somebody about my past. I just want to have a normal life, with a husband and kids. It just seems so far off and impossible to find someone who doesn’t see me as too much or damaged. Is it even worth trying to date/find somebody?

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