Hi all! I just made this account because I would like to keep my main account free of.. personal sexual stuff.

So yeah, I’m a 28 yeah old woman and I think I may be allergic to semen.

I’ve had a total of 3 sexual partners. The first always used condoms, so nothing happened there. The second did not. I’m on birthcontrol and he didn’t use condoms. Sometimes he would finish inside me, but it would be very uncomfortable afterward. That’s a long time ago so I don’t quite remember how bad it was. I do know that most of the time he pulled out because having him finish inside me was a hassle at least.

I’ve been with my current partner for over 4 years, and he doesn’t climax during sex 95% of the time. We’re both tested and clean, so we don’t use condoms either. Very rarely he manages to climax inside me, and it burns.
It happened again recently. In the moment it’s all good, I’m in the mood and all up for it. Afterward.. it hurts. It burns, and I think my vagina gets swollen too. It stays that way for a while, and then it gets back to normal. It’s very uncomfortable.. but since it almost never happens, I can deal with it I suppose.

Though I’m not sure how much of an issue it is. I tried googling it but google is giving me conflicting answers. Are there any other things I should be worried about when it comes to a potential semen allergy? Do I need to get tested for it? Will it impact fertility? I want to try for children later, but my google attempts have giving me mixed results going from “semen allergy usually doesn’t impact fertility” to “most couples dealing with semen allergies experience troubles conceiving”. I’m not sure what to believe and I’d rather be prepared..
(On top of that I’ve also heard that natural redheads are more likely to have fertility issues? But I’m not sure if that’s true either.)

If anyone here knows anything about this.. please let me know! I’m not 100% sure if this is the right place since it’s not completely about sex, but I’m not sure where else to go.

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