Hi I’ve been working at a cafe for the past 2 years and in past 2-3 months, there has been a customer that comes in once a week. He’s always very polite and normal and isn’t insanely attractive or anything but I think he’s very cute and friendly.

He was very quiet when I first saw him and just ordered his coffee like a normal person, and he said please and thank you which I took notice of. I could probably count the number of people a day that use those words at the cafe now.

I usually remember names/coffee orders straight away since my mum owns the business and I like to impress her haha. So the next week he came in again and I remembered his coffee order and he was very surprised and super cute when he was saying that’s amazing and saying that I have a good memory.

We usually just have a very small chat like how he is and how I am and if he’s heading off to work (which is obvious because he’s a weakling his bright neon yellow tradie jacket thing every week). On the third week he came in and I asked him what his name is because I know his coffee order but not his name and he told me then asked me what my name was. Then on his fourth visit the next week, he remembered my name and said “thank you (my name)”. I was really surprised he remembered my name after a week and I’m not sure if that means he kind of likes me or if he’s also just got a good memory.

I can’t tell if he’s just being really nice or friendly but he doesn’t ever hit on me so I don’t know what to do. I’m starting uni in one more week so I only get to see him one more time as well. Should I just go for it? Or would that be really weird? I don’t know how to go about this at all please help!

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