Do enjoy their company? Do you all hangout together often? Does their approval matter to you? Is there a strain on the relationship?

  1. I really like most of my husband’s friends.

    His closest friend is married to someone who’s also great, the four of us hang out a lot and I really enjoy it. He has this one friend who’s really annoying though, after hanging out a couple times I told my husband I can’t stand him, so now I just don’t join them.

  2. I love them! We all hang out multiple times a week. He’s the same with my friends as well – we organise things as a big blended group and I’m close with all of them. It’s lovely.

  3. Well…I’m going to miss them if we break up.

    We hang out often enough, and I really like most of them. That being said, I only seek approval from a handful of his friends–mostly the married ones because their lives reflect the life I want to build with my partner.

  4. I like them but we’re not close, or rather I like his male friends, their girlfriends are kinda catty and just sit around getting drunk. They’re quite a gendered group so i have to work a bit to keep my spot in the men’s side (my partner and best mate both include me, its some of the others who dont).

  5. I love them all. To be fair my husband and I got married when we were literally teenagers so we have grown up with each other’s friends as our own. His friends are like brothers to me and my friends are like the annoying little sisters to him.

  6. I really like them! We go on double dates with a few of them and we vibe well together. There’s a few I’m less close to, but there’s no strain on either side. I usually just skip those hangouts for them to enjoy without me.

  7. My partner’s best friend is a woman, and honestly, that was such a green flag for me. They are now in their early 30’s, but have been really close since they were 18.

    I really hoped that we would get on when we met, but I didn’t overthink it because I know I treat my partner with love and respect, so if there was an issue it wouldn’t be one I’d created. I’m happy to say we get on really well. Sometimes they meet up just the two of them, but we go on karaoke nights all together or go for drinks.

    I’m not concerned if a guy’s best friend isn’t a woman, but to have no female friends is slightly concerning to me. It would make me worry that the guy in question only valued women as conquests.

  8. honestly… i don’t know any yet. he has like one close friend who live nearby but rarely sees hom himself. the others are from his time in the military and they love pretty far away.

    it’s been seven months into this relationship. i was one of his clostest friends for ten years prior to us dating, still am i suppose.

  9. We get along easily because I think we all make an effort to be friendly. Most of my partner’s friends are male, so sometimes I get closer to their wives than the actual friend. Which is fine. We hangout with my partner’s friends more because most of my close friends don’t live in our city anymore, and his friend group was much larger to begin with. 

  10. They’re now my friends too lol. We have 1 friend who calls us mom & dad bc we’ve helped him through some tough times.

  11. Well it’s complicated to answer.. I tend to keep friends, and I also make new friends.. so I might have stolen a few friends from my ex’s when we broke up.. I’m pleasant enough to be around, I guess.. I respect their privacy and friendship.. Some things are so old, you will never get that joke ! I don’t know, go play with your friends.. What goes for one, should be fine for the other right ?? Respect my friends and I’ll respect yours.. do not expect me to follow you like a puppy, I hate that ! So it’s pretty much simple.. When I have a relationship with someone.. they also have a private life, and so do I. We just chose to mix the 2 together to create one.. that hopefully works 😂

  12. Friendly. We all hang out. Maybe not regularly or often since we all have busy schedules and are pretty geographically scattered, but whenever possible in addition 1:1 friend times.

    Same goes for my friends.

    He does have one group of local drinking buddies who aren’t really my “cup of tea” so to speak. They’re nice enough guys and I do occasionally hang out with him with them, but he usually hangs out with them on his own. It’s mostly that when he does go out with them, it turns into marathon nights out, no matter what his plan/intention was when he left the house. Mostly because he gets FOMO – BIG TIME. They don’t do anything BAD or anything, it just annoying and frustrating when he says he’ll be home in 3 or 4 hours (or 9/10pm), and then I go bed and wake up to him coming home when the bar closes at 2am. Like, wtf. It happens maaaaybe a couple times a year, and the ringleader of that group is moving away soon so it’s probably not going to be happening again anymore, thankfully but still…he needs to work through that FOMO shit in his therapy.

  13. We usually hang out with our own friends without each other but will join each other’s friend outings pretty frequently too.

    My partners friends are all very close and tight knit for years. They play basketball weekly, have lots of cookouts and sports games nights. I’m not the type to watch sports but they are as a group very hilarious and high positive energy that when I do hang out I’m still entertained by just watching how they interact with each other. Although I’m the only girl usually, I feel like I fit in easily and that’s because of how nice they are.

    I’m not very close with them on a personal level or talk to them individually outside of group gatherings, but they are all very welcoming towards me when I do join my partner to hang out.

    He hangs out with them about the same amount as he see’s me. There’s no strain on our relationship, and he’s very communicative about what he’s up to and when he’s leaving, etc. without me asking.

    And yes, I would say since they are very close to each other and have such a strong bond, their approval does matter to me. Those are his life long friends and I wouldn’t want to come between that.

  14. I have my friends, she has her friends, some people we’re both friends with

    Honestly, hanging out with friends became a rare thing once the twins were born

    I guess I’m fine with most of her friends, but I’m abrasive and socially awkward, so I’m not close with many of them either

  15. When I go to my partners friends place, after saying hi & what not, I go find the cats. They’re who I go to see.

    I do like my partners friends. I don’t hang out with them often & that’s fine with me LOL

    I’ve never cared about anyone’s approval about me other than my partner & his parents. No strain as we all get along & are respeful.

  16. I liked my ex-husbands friends more than I liked him lol. We were all friends. Except for his side chics…them, not so much. 😂
    Long term partner after that, always liked the people he was around and his family. SO many great laughs. Best years of my life. I’m still close with his mom and brother.
    In general, it’s always fun to get to know the person you’re dating and their friend group imo. Gives you a much better perspective of who they are and tends to make you closer. Anyone who is keeping you 100% separate from their friends…they’re just not into you, imo. Or they’re hiding something big / are a total player. I’ve absolutely had my share of experiences with this type too.

  17. i’m good with my partner’s friends! he tolerates no form of bigotry from anyone in his social circles. he’s cut off people he’s known for years after finding out that they’re homophobic, transphobic, racist etc. now my friends’ partners on the other hand 🙃

  18. we have a tiny circle of common close friends, i.e. my fiancée’s cousin and her boyfriend.

    we all know each other from middle school days and get along extremely well. we regularly meet for gaming, going to the cinema or doing other stuff together.

  19. We’re polite and friendly with each other. His friends’ girlfriends don’t seem too interested in getting to know me, but they’ve atleast been nice enough to me. They all grew up together and went to college together even, so they have that bond between them and I dont think they exclude me on purpose, I think just naturally that’s gonna happen.

  20. I consider most of his friends from his hometown my friends, too. He’s got a few friends that I’ve met maybe once or twice that I don’t really consider friends, and he’s mostly friends with them for the nostalgia – these days they have nothing in common and their lives are chaotic, while my husband’s is mostly stable.

  21. My wifes best friend of 50 years is great fun. We get together quite regularly and my wife sees her weekly.
    I’m also her friends ‘slave’
    I go round for 3 hours a week and do all her housework as the ladies have a good chat and a laugh over a glass of wine 🍷

    We are all very happy with the setup.

  22. In my most recent relationship of 5 years (for the past year on again/off again trying to make things work) his friends were actually a major reason we broke up. I hung out with them & their partners several times over the years, had fun with them but realized that these guys are really a bad influence on my bf (drugs, social & political beliefs, how they treat women, etc). I feel like the only way I can be with him is if he distances himself from them but it’s difficult because he’s known them his whole life (he’s almost 40) and he sees them often- several times week/month.

    I wish I got to know who his friends really were early in the relationship & realized how attached my bf was to them so I could have avoided being in this situation years later.

  23. Good!! We all hang together like every other weekend. And they all seem to like me so. It worked out!

  24. They’re mostly all my friends too, and have been very welcoming. I shouldn’t be surprised, because my husband doesn’t like people who don’t like me. It’s a major character flaw he says. 😁

  25. Well he no longer has any friends. The ones in the past literally hated me because I didn’t support their binge drinking and hard drug abuse. Tried to get him to divorce me. Pulled my husband out of the rough lifestyle and they all fell off completely.

    Now he works too much to even make any friends. He just wants to nap and cuddle lol.
    He is super close with his coworkers though. And they are genuine guys!❤️

  26. Non-existent. We have absolutely nothing to do with one another and we’d like to keep it that way.

  27. Good, I think all my partner friends have good healthy life’s and respect boundaries as well. They can be crazy but are very loyal. I don’t know I find it a deal breaker if you can’t get a long with your partners friends. Even the ones you don’t like as long as you can keep it professional and respectful with them and they do the same your good.

  28. It’s was good while we were dating but as they saw us getting more serious their true colors began to come out. They’ve been a sore spot for us all this time. Overcritical and judgmental about what we decided to do as a couple. I don’t go visit them anymore but he does now and then. It’s been very stressful to not have a support network in our lives. My parents are in heaven now.

  29. It’s good! I get on well with his best friends and a lot of our friends are mutual friends that we’ve both known a long time. Some before we even met each other. His two best friends are single guys that come over to our house every week. I’m happy to have them over, we always have a friendly chat before I leave them to hang out. They are good people and good friends to my husband – and me for that matter.

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