I’m (20M) in a bit of a jam.


I work at a restaurant, I have four shifts behind the grill and I recently picked up one shift in the front of house as a bouncer.


I’ve had this coworker (19F) for the last few months and for awhile I didn’t think much of it. She was pretty but we just never really talked. She works in the front, and I’ve only worked the back of house until recently, which is most of the reason why we never got the chance to speak.


That changed about a month ago, and the two of us have become pretty close in the last week or so. We’ve made a habit out of seeing each other during and after work and it’s been great. I’m not really one for dating or relationships (I’m a 20 year old college male, lets be real), but I think I’d like to give it a try.


Only issue is that she’s not American, she’s Russian, and she only recently came to the US for college. I’ve only ever been with American women, and frankly I don’t have a clue if any of the same “tells” apply.


For example: Her and I talk all the time, and it goes well. I’m not really the emotional type, so we don’t talk about anything particularly substantial, but its a lot of fun. I make her laugh, and she seems engaged in whatever we might be talking about. She doesn’t have a problem with physical contact, she calls me “babe” and has said that she loves me, and she’ll go out of her way to see or talk to me during the day, even when I’m in the kitchen, or even when she isn’t working. There’s probably other smaller details I’m forgetting or am completely oblivious to.


Typically, I’d say this is grounds for me to ask her out, but I don’t know anything about European women. I’m not afraid of being rejected, I’d just rather not completely offend her culture. I don’t know how European women act or handle this stuff.


Is there even a difference, or am I being an idiot?

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