The title almost sums up the situation. Bf and I have been together for over one year now. We have had some issues but we seem to made it through. As we are thinking of long term plans and moving in together I’m starting to dread that thought for reasons like these.

In over a year his never ever offered to even a boil a cup of tea for me, whereas I cook clean, do his laundry he comes to my place to stay so even though we split grocery shopping bills but sometimes we cook from whatever I have so I also have to pay more for stuff. His never got me gift after complaining he got me £7 pound book which I was quite happy with.

My friends and family told me to ask him directly if I want something which I did, he completely ignored me. So communication isn’t the issue he just doesn’t want to do anything for me. 3 weeks back he offered to cook finally for the first time. So I thought things are finally changing.

He asks me to cook, make breakfast, give him massage, buy him dinner or gifts etc and at times I have done that. But when he told me that I expect too much from him (like supporting me when I’m low, nothing financially or gifts) and he can say no. I said fair we should be able to say no to each other.

I work full time and a demanding job I don’t want to cook and clean on weekends so I said we can get our own food. So he started cooking for himself now but won’t share the food with me, but if I get myself food or cook I must share it with him or I’m not a nice person anymore.

I have started to feel like I’m expected to be his mom than a partner. I cannot think of moving in with this man because I know I’ll become his made or he won’t be happy with me whilst I won’t get anything in return not even a single flower or asked how I’m doing if I’m sick.

He’s now mad at me that I don’t love him anymore because I don’t do these things for him anymore.
Am I overreacting? What should I do to resolve this? Is there anything left to fix in this relationship?

Bf expects me to take care of him but does not reciprocate or put effort into doing the same for me.

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