In my major there is a group of us 5 guys who, at least in the beginning, worked on most assignments together and helped each other out. When I met one particular classmate initially, he was struggling in a hard physics based class, that only the two of us were enrolled in. I offered to help him as I was putting in the work and understanding things a little better than him, and he took me up on my offer, resulting in us working together for most of the semester.

Now, this individual seems to have the hang of this major (for the most part) and we are at the last semester before graduation. The last semester or so, I’ve noticed that he acts weird about me asking him to either clarify things on an assignment, to verify my understanding, or even to discuss the assignments and what the instructors want us to do. I just like to discuss assignments because it helps to remove any guesswork on what is expected of us.

He does things like when I show him what I’ve completed and ask for his feedback, he says “oh ot looks great. I don’t need to even look at it.” Or when I’ve asked him how he approaches a problem he says “oh I don’t know it any better than you” and refuses to show me his work, or even “oh I don’t remember how I did it”. Like he can’t be bothered about it. He made a point once to shuffle his assignment under a bunch of papers he had stacked and just went and turned it in.

I dont know how to interpret it because it doesnt ring as typical behavior to me, its kind of weird. I question if he is becoming arrogant or something. Like he sees my asking him as a lack of comprehension of the material. As if he understands the material better than me, is a better student, and can’t be bothered with working with me.

The other members of the group seem okay with working together for the most part. One other member does sort of give off arrogant vibes when he understands something right away. But then says “oh well I’m really stupid” over and over when he’s stuck on shit. But generally they are all down to collaborate.

I understand things fairly well when I’ve had my 8 hours of sleep. I do have ADHD. So there are days when my brains executive functioning is a little lower than others and material explained or read isn’t clicking immediately. So I like to discuss the assignments to cement my understanding. It feels like there is some weird ego-driven attitudes being developed and some subtly negative perceptions of my academic skills or something. The ironic part is I get the best grades out anyone in the group, I sometimes just take more time.

Is it worth mentioning any of this to the individual I’m question? Or should I just let it go and avoid discussing assignments with him for the rest of the final semester? It honestly kind of pisses me off and makes me want to tell him I regret ever pulling him through the class we met in.

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