Spoke too soon and didn’t think thing through. PLEASE HELP!!!

[TLDR]-Need help. Good friend I know needs a car. Offered to sell them my car, but that will put me in the same boat they are in. I only told them I would do so because I felt bad and I tend to do that when ppl are in a situation of need. They are looking to buy the car on Wednesday. I don’t know how to tell them I won’t be able to do it and thought about coming up with a lie. I hate to let this friend down. I honestly love them and hate to let them down. I just hate to see them suffer. This is the only person that has done so much for me in my life and protected me when nobody would. So often times I over extend myself and I feel like I owe them a debt or that I must repay them. How do I say no or what should I do?

Can someone help me out? I spoke too soon and didn’t think things out.

A good friend of mine needed a car. However I told them that I could sell them my car. I felt bad for them and wanted to help. This friend has also done more things for me than anyone in my whole life has friends and family included. So often times I may over sell my self in certain situations or will do things because this person has done things for me.

Only problem is now is how am I going to get to work or where I need. Currently where I’m staying has bed bugs so I sleep in my car to avoid the discomfort that they bring.

I have a hard time saying NO to ppl especially this person being that they have done things for me.

They are expecting to buy the car on Wednesday. I want to tell them, but I don’t want to back out. I hate to disappoint them, but I hate to see them be without a car and they are trying to elevate in life.

I’m not making excuses saying no it’s something I’ve always had difficulty doing since a child. I was made to feel guilt. I hate to tell him no, but I also hate to see him suffer. Which is what I will be doing if I give him the car.

I was thinking about coming up with a lie. Can someone please help. I honestly don’t know what to do.

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