A girl that I(m) have been interested in and I have a well-established pattern when it comes to interacting on social media. I post a story on Snapchat and Instagram, and she replies to it (she doesn’t reply to every story, but a fair amount). I message her back to try to start a conversation but it’s a 50/50 chance of if she’ll message me back or not sometimes, we exchange a few messages/Snaps, but it rarely gets past 5. Sometimes I just get left on delivered for day/s weeks and sometimes I get left on opened or seen even when the last message I sent was a question. I understand she’s not into me and I’m planning on just cutting her off, but what I’m confused about is why would someone message you and then not make an effort to continue a conversation you initiated. I mean sometimes my replies may not have been great and she didn’t know what to say but even when I ask a question this still happens. Is this a common thing that happens to others?

This same pattern has also happened over text.

1 comment
  1. You had a thousand signs that she’s not interested. Why are you still questioning this? If someone likes you – you’re a priority. If they don’t, you’re just an option. Keep your self respect and cut contact unless she initiated

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