I’m 22 and just got into a relationship. My girlfriend is an incredible kisser, while I’m just okay. I really want to learn from her because she’s so good at it. How can I ask her to teach me without it being awkward?

  1. If you want to learn from her, you can simply ask her if she’d be willing to teach you or give you some pointers on kissing. Let her know that you admire her kissing skills and would like to learn from her to improve your own technique. Communication is key in any relationship, including when it comes to learning new things together.

  2. Just be honest and tell her you’re ‘kiss-ically challenged’ and need her expertise to level up!

  3. I’ll never forget the look on my partner’s face when I finally confessed my bf that I wanted to learn how to kiss better from him. He was so touched and flattered, We spent hours practicing, laughing, and discovering new ways to connect intimately.

  4. don’t focus so much on the potential for this to be awkward and go into it with the mindset that this could be really hot/intimate instead! being teachable is attractive, so have fun w it and it’ll make the experience enjoyable for you both

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