I am from Pakistan and my husband is white Australian. We married in July 2023. Last weekend we went to a lunch with his sister, mom, aunt, two cousins and their kids. Everything was going great until someone called his mom (Jane) the N word. Then his aunt proceeded to explain that because Jane was born with dark hair, everyone in the family called her the N word and that has been her nickname since she was born. They wanted to be informal with me around me and were not used to calling her by her actual name and so decided to tell me since I was now part of the family. I was the only brown person in the room.

My face must’ve given away how uncomfortable and shocked I was because there was just silence followed by a quick subject change. My husbands sister lives with us and is a police officer and occasionally calls her mom by that nickname as well. Not to mention, they have been saying this since they were children, and no one had any issues saying this in front of the kids present at the lunch. I had no idea these people had this side to them. I guess they are your typical ignorant racist white family. It just makes me wonder what they think of me or what they will think of our children.

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