I’ve been in a relationship for almost 7 years and I am unsure about it. I have had thoughts of ending things but I don’t know if it’s right to end it or keep going the way things are.

There’s nothing super wrong in the relationship. We do bicker about a lot of little things and I think have some communication issues, but he is a good guy and is willing to work on things for the most part. One thing that has bothered me for a long time is that he won’t come out of the closet at work, he has never mentioned that I exist to any of his coworkers. I understand why, he works with older conservative men mostly. But it does bother me that I essentially don’t exist for 8 hours a day, then comes home and talks about coworkers like I know who they are. I’ve never felt welcome by his family either, but not a huge issue.

There are a lot of good things in the relationship. We have similar interests in being active, hiking, traveling. But there are certain things I feel we just cannot connect on or have deep conversations about and I look to others to fill that void.

TL;DR The thought of ending things makes me sick to my stomach, but the thought of him potentially proposing and me saying no in the moment bc my gut tells me it’s not right also makes me sick to my stomach. I don’t want to waste anyone’s time but I don’t know what’s right.

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