Sorry, I know the title is stupid, just don’t really know how to explain the feeling.
Short story, met this girl in a public event, both let good impressions and went for a drink next day. We kissed very passionately and it was reciprocated, walked holding arms back to her home and one last kiss. Since then she ghosted me. It drove me nuts and I made a mistake to act childish and needy, which led me to, you know, typical ghosted behaviour: asked her for a second date several times, even called her, until she told me she doesn’t want to date because she came out of a long relationship. I said okay is it good if we stay as friends and she said yes, but even as friends she insanely ghosts me even more (even though I only messaged her spontaneously once a week)

Point is, I feel like I have already moved on, I’ve met other interesting girls and I have a very active social life, but I still, every once in a while (7-10 days) I reply to her story, or send a silly message to her. I do it because of the adrenaline to see wether she will reply or not.

I hope I don’t sound insane and just looking if someone has ever related to this feeling and if it’s actually okay to do it? Should I keep doing so? Does it end up well?

I mean obviously I think deep down I’m still interested in her but I can also just look away, but I like that it kinda feels like a challenge.

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