Hey folks, I’m (18M) dealing with a bit of a head-scratcher when it comes to a girl (18F) at my university. About three months ago, I caught her glancing my way several times, and I shrugged it off. Then, I mustered up the courage to talk to her about something study-related, and she hit me with a quick, mean response that left me feeling crushed.

But Out of the blue, she stops me one day, asking about some random thing in a super nice and anxious way. She even flashed a smile at the end before going on her way. Confusing, right? After that, we started making eye contact and exchanging smiles, but she’d always glance away quickly.

Fast forward to now, and things have taken a bit of a nosedive. We used to say hi, but that suddenly stopped. A few days ago, we had this intense four-second eye contact moment without any smiles. Now, she’s actively avoiding eye contact as if I’m invisible.

I’ve got a bit of a crush on her at this point, but I’m seriously lost. Has anyone navigated a similar situation? Any advice on what her signals might mean? Should I try talking to her again or just let it ride? Help me out, y’all!

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