So I’ve been dating my girlfriend for over 2 months now but we’ve been talking for 4 months total. She’s really great. She she loves me and says that she wouldn’t want to be with anyone else but me. That I’m the love of her life. She had liked me for almost 8 months before we started talking.

Even though she’s great I just don’t think she is the right person for me. I feel like physically she doesn’t like me as much. She likes when I touch her but doesn’t initiate anything besides touching my arm. When I tried to kiss her she told me she wasn’t ready which I was ok with but we had a great time and she said she was ready couple days before without me saying anything. Her last she never kissed her boyfriend and they dated for 5 months but it was also her first relationship. She says she’s very nervous with everything. Then today she told me she had a dream of cheating on me with another guy which she almost dated while she liked me who is very built while I’m not. She says she’s only attracted to me.

But she says she wants to marry me and have a life with me and wanted a promise ring but if you’re not ready to kiss me then how are you ready for a promise ring. I just feel like she’s with me because I’m very good to her and a good person but doesn’t want me physically. She says she loves the emotional side of a relationship but physical side is ok. I feel like our sex drives are just going to be polar opposite.

I don’t know if I’m overthinking and I should give it more time because she is so good to me and basically the person I would want to marry but I just feel like physically I’ll never feel fulfilled being with her. I’ve tried to talk to her about this but she reassures me that we’ll be ok.

TLDR; gf is great and tells me everyday she loves me but physically I don’t feel fulfilled and feel like I never will. We just seem to have different sex drives.

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