What chore are your kids NOT allowed to do?

  1. I don’t allow my children to handle chemicals or heavy machinery. Safety is our top priority

  2. I have a 7 y/o he’s not allowed to use the stove and oven without me. He’s also not allowed near cleaning chemicals.

    Otherwise, he cleans his own room. Helps me with laundry, dishes and prepping food (he uses kid friendly knives). He helps with the shopping list and food shopping weekly. He wants to help. It’s great to teach kids chores (basic life skills) when they are willing. My own parents didn’t teach me any of these skills and I wont repeat that mistake.

  3. Not allowed to use cleaning products by themselves. Not allowed to wash sharp knives. Other than that, it’s all good

  4. My son is 5. He’s not allowed to handle cleaning products with unsafe ingredients which means some things he simply can’t clean, he’s not allowed to move pots from the stove, he’s not allowed to do errands on his own yet, he’s not allowed to start the laundry or dryer on his own.

  5. Wash any of my knives (they’re high quality and I hone them regularly, so they are extremely sharp)

    He uses gloves and eye protection when using cleaning products (nontoxic, vinegar based) but that’s bc the bathroom is his chore. He is the only one in the house with a penis, and doesn’t always aim very well 😂

  6. I thought it’d be cute to show my then 14 month old to put her clothes in her hamper moreso as a sensory activity. Now at 16 months I had to stop her from doing that because I keep finding my clothes in the trash can.

  7. I don’t let my daughter (8yo) handle cleaning chemicals (with the exception of laundry and dishwasher detergent pods and the occasional Clorox wipe).

    She generally cleans up her own messes or spills, but is not allowed to clean up broken glass or broken dishes.

    She is allowed to help me cook/prepare food, but she isn’t allowed to take stuff out of the oven and I don’t let her handle sharp knives or raw meat yet.

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