I miss her a lot, she was the truest friend I ever had, I was emotionally a train wreck and kept dumping my issues on her and kept blaming her until she had enough of me. She kept trying to sort the issues early on until she gave up eventually. There was a guy who would spread rumours about us hoping to turn us against each other, I was a piece of garbage human who fell for his trap and let my insecurities win and started distrusting her. I really miss her a lot, she was one of the most positive aspect of my life, the things she has done for me is priceless and it’s been two months since she cut me off, I miss her a lot, I so wanna share and know what she has been upto, I wanna ask her whether she is gonna watch dune 2 or did she watched what I recommended to her or is she still on a diet. Whether she is taking care of herself, I miss talking about random shit with her, I really miss her and I’m still a emotional wreck and I need her, If I had a bad day she would flip the world upside down to fix it. Sorry folks for the rambling, I’m emotionally all over the place, in my life I always had bad influences and I didn’t know how to handle a positive influence in my life. Idk how to fix this between us and I so wanna. Even when she decided to cut me off she wrote multiple paragraphs worth of advices and that thing broke me.

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