We’ve been together going on 4 years. Overall he’s truly an amazing person, in and out of our relationship.
I had a serious conversation with him (which is rare) telling him about how I grew up and that I have pretty much zero guidance in figuring out adulthood and that’s why things seem to take me longer.
The next day I told him I wanted to befriend our neighbor (f18) because she has a similar situation but even worse. He told me condescendingly “why? You don’t even know how to be a woman” Like it truly made him so mad that I gaf about her. It caught me really off guard and I defended my decision but he kept going.
We’ve been stressed about finances very similar to my parents at our age (which can kill a marriage, let alone dating) but it still felt like an odd reaction for him. Honestly it wouldn’t have stung as much if I hadn’t had that conversation with him literally the day before.
It feels like he just doesn’t understand me as a person and it’s bothering me to my core. I’m not one to talk about my upbringing so it really feels like a slap in the face. Especially because I expressed that I’m trying and doing the best I can with what I know. This situation is making me question if we should break up because it’s bothering me that bad. Though I actually hope I’m overreacting, but what if I’m not.

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