Hi guys, this is my first time posting a Reddit post, but I usually be reading here often. I’m thinking about moving because I don’t really have any friends where I currently live. I don’t get invites often, if I do, it’s through pity. I’m currently about to finish up my master’s degree and I’m 23. I been living in my college town for 6 years and I still don’t have a social group. I have brothers that have friends and they invite me to get togethers but I never get a direct invite from anybody else. I feel like people have a preconceived notion about me before I even meet them. I also feel like everyone so established in their friends groups that they are not welcome to new people or relationships. I’ve had this feeling for a long time to move to California and to restart my social circle where I can find people of my own that know me first instead of my brothers (that’s are my friends first before others). I’ve always had a hard time making friends, first my parents over sheltered me, then I had to fix my social anxiety in undergrad, these last two years I have been pretty comfortable in social settings. I’m contemplating to make that move when I graduate, I would appreciate some advice.

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