First of all, sorry, English is not my native language, this is a disposable account and fake names for privacy reasons.
Me (19 M) and my girlfriend Alicia (19 F) have been in a relationship since the beginning of last year, she is incredible and I love her so much, we are very happy together and I really think she is the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with. life.
I am an only child and I live with my mother (
42 F), my father abandoned her shortly before my birth, since then she has been working very hard to give me a stable life while trying to be as present as possible in my life, She is very patient and understanding with me, we have a very good relationship and I really love and appreciate her a lot.
Now the problem, last Friday Alicia suggested that we have a family dinner, so that our parents could get to know each other, I had already met her parents and she had met my mother, so I thought it was a good idea and I agreed, I talked to me. mother and we organized dinner at our house.
On Friday night, Alicia arrived with her family, her brother Lucas, her father Damon, her father’s boyfriend William, and her mother Rebeca.
My mother and I greeted each other and received each other with kindness as soon as we opened the door, but as soon as my mother made eye contact with Rebeca, both of their faces expressed surprise. Lucas noticed this and asked his mother what was happening, and it turns out that my mother and Alicia’s were high school classmates when they were teenagers, yes I know, it’s a small world.
That news surprised us all, not in a bad way. Rebeca made some comment that they hadn’t seen each other for a long time and that she was happy to see her, but my mother didn’t look really happy, she just forced a smile and tried to be as kind as possible. .
The dinner passed relatively calmly, I was sitting next to my mother and although she acted kindly I could tell that there was something strange about her, one of the things that caught my attention the most is that she kept looking carefully at Alicia and then to Rebecca.
I treated and talked in a friendly way with Daimon, William, Alicia and Lucas, but when Rebeca did or said something, I could see my mother frown or show annoyance in some subtle way.
The situation escalated when Rebeca, in a half-mocking tone, told my mother “wow Cristina, we haven’t seen each other for years and you still don’t know what combs are for” (my mother usually has quite messy hair).
That comment made his annoyance much more noticeable, he frowned and got up from the table, asked me to speak for a moment and we went to the kitchen.
I asked her what was happening and she ended up revealing that Rebeca had been the girl who bullied her in high school.
You see, a few years ago I myself suffered from Bullying, when my mother found out she supported me completely, I felt very bad and I thought that somehow it was my fault that other kids were bullying me, she assured me that it wasn’t like that. And she told me how they also bullied her at school and made her go through very bad times. She didn’t give more details or names, but she told me that she would allow me to suffer the same thing in silence, and she really kept her promise.
Returning to the present, my mother left her calm aside and looked much more upset. She told me “of all the girls in the world, you had to mess with Rebeca’s daughter.” Believe me, the phrase was much ruder and with some insult towards Rebeca involved, which surprised me because it was the first time I saw my mother so angry.
We returned to the table and we didn’t need someone to tell us to know that Alicia and her family had been listening to our conversation.
“I would talk to an architect because I think your walls are made of paper,” William joked, in an attempt to calm the tension in the place, which didn’t work.
Damon made an apology and some excuse as to why they had to leave at that moment and later Alicia and her family ended up leaving.
When I was left alone with my mother I really didn’t know what to say, but she came forward and demanded that I cut off my relationship with Alicia at that very moment, she told me explicitly “that she would not allow her son to go out with a daughter who had become conceited.” “that evil woman”
I refused, I told her that although I understand her hatred towards Rebeca and I do not downplay what she suffered, I cannot simply separate from Alicia from one day to the next.
We argued a little and my mother ended up saying that if I decided to bring Alicia and her mother into our lives, she wouldn’t want to continue being part of mine and finally she went back to her room slamming the door.
I don’t know what to do, on the one hand I love Alicia very much, I want to have a future with her and I wouldn’t like to have to separate and punish her for her mother’s actions, but on the other hand my mother has always supported me and has done everything to That I can have a good life, she has always been there for me, I can’t imagine my life without her, I honestly don’t want to lose either of them, but I don’t know what to do.

TL;DR my mother wants me to end my relationship with my girlfriend after discovering her mother’s identity

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