My husband and I’s sex life has been dwindling for the past couple of months. We used to have sex at least once a week, but then it turned to once every 2 weeks, then once a month.. and now it’s been a whole month.
Our anniversary just passed, and no sex, Valentine’s Day passed, still no sex.
I’ve bought toys, sexy outfits, tried sexy dancing and sexy moves on him… and NOTHING. Ngl I’m going a bit crazy. I take care of myself when I’m alone, which is quite often. And when we did have sex, it kind of seemed like a chore to him? He doesn’t really compliment me, or get passionate about it like he used to, and lots of times he doesn’t even really look at me. He says it’s so he doesn’t cum faster.. but idk.
But I should also mention that he has been depressed. His upbringing was rough, and his family wasn’t very affectionate ( complete opposite to my family btw). I read that depression can cause low sex drives, so I try not to press him about sex too much. But I am growing more and more sexually frustrated. This man doesn’t even want head!
Today I tried to initiate sex, but he just shrugged me off. So I asked if he thought I wasn’t attractive anymore, he said no. I asked if he still masturbated, he said sometimes. I asked what he masturbated to, he said whatever was on the homepage. Then he got annoyed at me when I just stared at him blankly bc I just fly defeated.
I’m pretty sure we’re still too young to be having these kinds of issues… So I’m asking yall for your input.
Is this strange?

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