So…im 23F and single and i would say my concept of marriage is kinda similar to the majority, like living together, having a wedding, having kids, etc. I am also the type of person that likes to spend time with myself and have my own space. It’s gotten to a point where I enjoy my solitude and it’s not compromised by family and friend, like it was before. Now, I just found this interesting concept like a few minutes ago, and it’s call “weekend marriage”. It’s a type of marriage where couples only spend time together on the weekends and they live their own separate lives on the weekdays. It’s supposed to be a marriage where couples don’t have to compromise their individuality and freedom while also maintaining quality time and strengthen their bond together. They also don’t live under the same roof. For those who are married, what do you think of this concept? For me, I feel like this concept is basically good and maybe even ideal for me, but then at the same time, I’m thinking, “Well what’s the point of getting married if thats the case?”

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