I’ve been dating someone for over a month now and she checks off all the boxes for things that I always say that I’m looking for:

\-She’s equally as introverted / homebody
\-She doesn’t drink at all (this is always one of my big things. I’m very anti-alcohol and it’s so hard to find someone like that)
\-No drugs or cigarettes (she vapes, and so do I)
\-She has a kid, so do I
\-Mutual attraction
\-Sexually on the same page
\-A lot of other eerily similar quirks, traits, etc.

Sounds perfect….but now it almost feels like I’m just dating myself lol.

She comes over a couple of times a week and spends the night, and all we do is watch TV, have dinner, have sex, and sleep. Our conversational skills are equally terrible, which I feel is a recipe for disaster. We both also have insecurity issues where, if the other person doesn’t respond to a text for several hours, we’re like “is everything ok?”, or in her case, she instantly thinks I hate her.

I almost feel like there’s no room for growth. Part of being in a relationship is growing together, convincing the other to try new things/events/hobbies. Getting out of your comfort zone. I can’t really think of any meaningful conversations we’ve had in person, other than the first time we met. But I also don’t have anything bad to say about her, because she’s essentially …ME.

Am I overthinking this, or have you ever dated someone that was so similar to you, that it got boring and didn’t work out?

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