I have been in a long distance relationship with my BF for about 6 months . Just for context , previously I haven’t had insecurities related to my looks. I consider myself an attractive woman , i’m at a healthy weight and work out often. My bf has always been very vocal about how attractive he finds me and believes me to be out of his league.

Recently he’s started to make a few strange comments. One night on video call he told me “you don’t have the best body in the world but i love you anyway.” I brushed this off. When i visited him he started to make comments such as ‘i like when woman have abs’, which i do not. he then gave me unwarranted advice about how i could achieve my “dream body” . He felt my body and told me i should lose some body fat and showed me pictures of fitness models as inspiration. During this time he also suffered with ED, which made me wonder if it was down to me.

Since then I have felt an insecurity i haven’t had previously. I constantly ask him if he’s attracted to me and i can tell it’s annoying him but i can’t stop. Is this my own personal problem? Is it my fault i feel this way?
TL; DR my boyfriend makes comments related to my appearance am i insecure ?

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