My bf (32m) and I (31f) have been dating for four months. I am still establishing and developing my boundaries and getting to know who he is. Three days ago, I texted him many of my inner feelings when I didn’t get his call. Most of my text messages weretrue and included my concern about his health and our safety. Lots of emotions, though. However, he didn’t take it and refused to talk to me. Today, he said what I texted was disrespectful, and he thinks we are better off not seeing each other for many weeks. It’s happened without any warning sign. We always see each other every week and have regular sexual lives. His birthday is coming soon.

He thinks we are better off not seeing each other for so many weeks because of my phone problem and my emotional opinion in the text. So now he will not want to spend his birthday with me either. He is not going to and want to see me, communicate with me, share life with me, or be intimate with me, for so many weeks, as we usually did for four months.
Does this mean he is a player? Or some girl got him? Is he in love with someone else?
What does this mean? What should I respond or do? Is this kind of abuse? I don’t want to think so, but I am afraid. Please help. Thanks.

TL;DR Four-months relationship was all good and stable. Suddenly, it’s different without any warning sign, as he thinks not seeing me for many weeks is a good idea.

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