My long time friend (m40) has been accusing me of such childish things I am going nuts.

We’ve known each other for probably almost a decade. I am currently in 6yr relationship. Me and my friend has always been in touch, we would hang out with common friends etc and thing we’re fine. He got married to my other friend and we talked less and as it turned out his wife (my close friend) forbid him to talk to me. He is now going thrugh divorce process for many reasons.

We talk again and we had a moment when we would call quite often. Once or twice a week. I had more time cause I had part time job and the job was close etc. Now I got full time job that is far, I was busy for holidays, i had a lot of personak things to take care for etc and frankly I haven’t talked or hung out with many people at all!

We didn’t talk for maybe a month, then we tried to get in touch but either I was busy or he was busy. Such is life. But recently everytime we’d talk at the end we would get into some stupid arguments. The last one just makes me crazy. We had a nice convo, maybe talked for 2 hours in one day. Next day he wants me to call him again. I was almost off work, it was late. He wanted to talk on my way home and I said no. I had to be straight forward with him because he is this kind of guy that doesn’t take no for an answer and he would bully people into stupid argument. Long story short I had to tell him that we literally jist talked yesterday. He started to accuse me that I only talk with him that it’s convent for me…

I had to explain to him, in detail, how life is – work, my partner, personal things etc that sometimes I don’t have that much time left on my hands or I am simply tired after long shift and taking care of people at work. (Welcome to being an adult!) And his response was “I get all that but I feel like you only talk to when it’s convent for you”.


So i responded that sorry he feels that way, I can’t help you with that and I am not going to explain myself anymore.

And he goes: “nobody is telling you to explain yourself.”

It is such a viscous circle.
Do any of you deal with stuff like that? Cause I am tired with this childish behavior and I tried to be good friend and give him some comoany but he has expectations like I’m his gf and try to guilt trip me that real friends don’t behave like I do lol like I should always be there to listen to his irrelevant stories (and that’s his words. He just wanna talk about small stuff and he forgets so he has to tell me QUICK AND NOW)

Tl;dr: my friend accuses me I am only talking to him when convenient and doesn’t understand that I have busy life and I can’t talk to him on the phone for hours at a time few times a week.

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