I have great parents, and I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my mother or father, but I just can’t ask them for things. I’m in high school btw.

I have wanted to start a business since about four years ago, and I have found some good ideas and written down what I want to do with them, but about six months ago I just gave up for now because I just couldn’t get myself to ask them for help with it.

There was a time I was looking into different hobbies, but I couldn’t find anything because I needed my parents permission or help for all the things I was interested in (like permission to order something online). I really want to learn to cook right now, but I need to ask to use the kitchen, or for help cooking.

Im getting out of high school soon and I have no idea what I’m going to do, I need my parents help to get a job right now, because I have no other way to get there, and I need there help to make money almost any other way, at least until I get a car or a house.

I have wanted to go to therapy for the past few months, I don’t really know why, and I feel like this might be one of the things that caused me to want it, I am too nervous to ask for that too. This has become a pretty big problem for me, I’ve been pretty sure I have a UTI or something similar for like six months now and I just don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I have some sort of disorder or something, I feel like I’m trapped because of this so I made this account to ask for help online because I don’t really know what else to do about it right now.

I don’t think I feel like I’m being a burden or anything when I ask for things, that’s an answer I found when I tried looking it up. it is just extremely stressful when I ask for things and I don’t know why.

This is my third time posting this because they kept getting removed because of my account age, I don’t really know much about how reddit works so if you can see I posted this a few times somehow even though they were removed then thats why.

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