I (16M) ask myself this question everyday and can\`t answer it and before you say anything like “You are only 16 no shit you don\`t know who you are” just hear me out and don\`t scroll and please try to understand what I\`m trying to say because I\`m fighting this thought for so long.So basically I don\`t know who am I , I am someone\`s copy or I am more people copy combined into one person.I don\`t know if you can actually understand what I\`m trying to say but what I basically try to say is I don\`t feel like I am myself , I feel like I take something from everyone to be me , jokes , thoughts, actions and even dreams..Like I heard my friend trying to be a barber and make money out of this and I thought that I want to be a barber too but then another friend of mine suggested we should start playing basketball and when I saw the NBA and all I said that I want to achieve that, basically what I\`m trying to say my dreams switch or smth like that when I see a person being successful with it and I don\`t know anymore if I am myself or I just go with the flow of the life. I don\`t wanna do that , I wanna live my own dreams , make my own jokes not copy anyone jokes or humour , I wanna have my own hand gestures not copy anyone\`s hand gestures or body language because I think it looks cool or is it better , I wanna be myself man that\`s all I\`m trying to do. I feel like I have no hobbies that I actually like or enjoy doing , like I was saying with basketball , one day I\`m trying my hardest to get better but don\`t see any results and I think about another thing that\`s gonna save my future. The biggest “dream” I thinked about for so long is moving to America (I\`m from Europe yea) to a college to play college basketball to get noticed by scouts to get into NBA and for my everyday life to be a barber to make my own money and live there but this sounds so unrealistic and childish. Now I say this , who I am ? What I\`m trying to achieve ? What are my dreams ? What do I like to do ? If you would ask me that questions I can\`t really give you an answer because I don\`t even know. I feel like I like listening to XXXTENTACION , I listened all of his songs and enjoy them but when I hear one of his songs on TikTok or something else I don\`t know the name of it , does that mean I\`m not a fan? But I like his music and all but idk any of his songs names.I feel like I like playing basketball but at the same time I\`m feeling like it\`s useless and won\`t get anywhere with it and I\`m trying to learn what I like because I want to focus on that to have a great future and not an ordinary future , and I really feel like I have something special but I don\`t know what that is and I live in fear that I can\`t find that “special” to make something from it , or maybe I\`m just an ordinary guy who will get to be a cashier and live that normal and average life that everyone live , but I don\`t wanna do that , I wanna be something great , I wanna make history in a good thing , I wanna mean something to this world so that when I die everyone would say “He was great , he changed the world/he had an impact on the world”.I go to sleep with my thoughts being “Am I going to make it in life?;I am going to be something great?;I will mean something to this world?” So now I\`m trying to ask , I am just overthinking it or everyone think the same as me(or I am going insane). I would really like a good answer and please don\`t make fun of me or this because I really took some time to think if this is ok to post or not.Thank you for your attention I hope you have a great day.

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