I currently work in healthcare at a lower level position, pay is enough to survive and travel but nothing amazing. Scheduling is terrible and I’m having a lot of issues getting to the gym or I guess being able to properly keep myself healthy due to that[overweight on the road to heart problems] my doctor wants me to do this or that and it’s all good for a few weeks, but having different days off every week or sometimes mes not even having days off, fucks any semblance of a routine up. For the last few months I’ve been trying to change jobs and jumping between ideas of what I want to do. I’ve applied to a handful of places no luck, I even reapplied to a place that previously wanted to hire me before I started my current job, no luck. Other than dealing with people and low level healthcare stuff I have basically no skills whatsoever, I barely managed to finish high school due to being completely horrible at math. I want to go to college but every course that interests me has math requirements, and I’m unsure if I can even afford college m, I’ve applied for student aide but no luck. I’m not handy at all so trades are basically a non starter. I just feel stuck and it’s starting to really affect me mentally. Looking for advice or opinions I guess. My significant other is in college atm and while she works part time I’m mainly supporting our household for more info.

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