To try to keep it short, me and this girl hit it off really well and she showed all the signs of interest for the longest time. However recently, she’s gotten incredibly distant but the weird part is she hasn’t completely cut off contact with me, she still texts me here and there, sends IG reels, snaps back and forth, but the communication isn’t there like before. I’m saying she’s incredibly distant because there’s been days recently where she didn’t text back for hours and the tipping point was honestly a few days ago where she didn’t reply for a full 24 hours and when I asked what happened she just said she wasn’t feeling the best. Now I know unless something serious happened that this is just a clear sign of someone not being interested, because I believe that if someone wants to talk to you they will.

My main issue is that when I don’t respond for a while she gets super upset which is crazy to me, I’m a firm believer in if someone wants to talk to you they will, so when she doesn’t respond for hours I’m not super clingy and double texting. I think the problem is that I still genuinely like her, so I end up responding to her because I feel like we’ll drift apart even more if I don’t, so I was wondering what my options are? (Besides completely ghosting)

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