Does anyone have any success stories of a relationship surviving a ‘break’ long term? Even after an apology, break up, and rekindling later down the line?


Had this occur several years ago with my current partner, where she’d requested a break and we did so for about two months. It was ‘open’ at her request, something she acted on while I did not, and obviously that remained a strain for some time. Enough that we did in fact break up fully for a bit over a year.

We eventually found ourselves in contact and back together, including with a full apology from her and an acknowledgment that it was a shitty and manipulative thing to do. And for the couple months we’ve been back together, things have been largely great. I don’t doubt her contrition about it, and she’s been very loving and sweet and arguably my biggest cheerleader.

But that said, I can’t ever seem to fully put that past to rest. It creeps back into the back of my mind and drives a wedge between me and her, as I’m unable to move past the feelings of spineless-ness & gutless-ness at ever agreeing to stick around through that all those years ago.

TL;DR – I’m wondering if anyone knows of success stories or any tips & tricks at working past internal roadblocks and dealing with lingering feelings towards a past relationship “break”.

And again, both myself and her are late 20s and together off and on for about 6 years.

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