She (f15) and I (m15) have known eachother for about 3-4 years and have a good friendship, I asked her to be my gf 2 days after Valentines Day and have been dating for about a week, take it or leave it. She just texted me saying that her parents won’t able her to date non-christians. Before i received this information, we’ve talked about our relationship in the future and stuff. I don’t know what to do and I’m lost now. Should I just accept the fact that we’ll have to break up, or should I try to talk/convince her parents (they are fairly strict)?

We sit by each other at lunch, so I am able to talk to her there about it. She also lives close by so I can talk with her or her parents decently easily.

It’s past midnight and I’m suppose to wake up in 4 hours, and I’m crying on the couch because I’ve dedicated so much of my life and tears for her over the years because I’ve cared and loved her so damn much, and now we’re dating and suddenly we can’t. I want to continue a special relationship with her but am conflicted.

Can someone help me? Please 🙏

tl:dr. I got the girl I’ve been chasing for years, but I can’t date her now because I need to be Catholic. Sorry if my grammar or spelling is bad, im tired, and it’s hard to see. This is a “repost.” The last one got taken down because I forgot to add a question, I think I fixed it now.

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