I (M21) just started university and this is bugging me so much, most girls I talk to don’t give me too much attention but whenever one does I later find out that she has a boyfriend (happened 3 times) or she’s lesbian (happened only once)

Even today I met a girl, we hanged out during the first two hours of lesson and then me and her friends went out for lunch

I then said I was going to the library and she offered to accompany me, we talked for another two hours with smiles, some limited physical contact and she said we should exchange numbers, she even accepted with no problems to watch netflix together as there are two films that are in both our lists

We separated for the next lesson and then she was again super smiley once I got back only to tell me that tomorrow we would meet after she had breakfast with her boyfriend…

A similar case happened with another girl last month who after two days of jokes that sometimes even got into more sexual jokes told me she was lesbian

I don’t know why every time I hang out with a girl she is always unavailable or why only the unavailable ones seems to talk to me as every girl I know who is single doesn’t really seem interested in hanging out, I don’t have a problem with having female friends (my bestie is a girl and in general I find other guys boring)

Even with my acquaintances gf’s I tend to have great relationships, usually even better ones than I have with them in the first place and I can see how it bothers them (and it bothers me too sometimes too)

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