You know, when a guy friend and a girl friend want to go out, but don’t wanna make it look like something, so they just straight up drag a third person into the party? I think that’s happening to me. Like, we all kinda met near the same period, but during the few times we hang out, I was always kinda boring and the guy and girl did most of the talking. I am also not that close with them, idk about their relationship with each other but I stay silent and boring for most of the time (bad socializing skills, also, they are totally different then me in many different ways, so…) And like, after a period of not interacting, with me accidentally bumping into the guy with his girlfriend thats really a girlfriend a few times and not saying anything, the guy texts me out of the blue saying that the girl told us to hang out, if I wanna come. Like, why didn’t she just message me directly? It’s kinda weird bc (I think) I’m actually slightly closer to the girl than the guy. And are they trying to make me a fake third wheel on purpose?

  1. Honestly they might just feel bad for you? I dunno depends wether you like hanging with them.

    I have a similar situation with a few friends, im always a “third wheel” type but since i don’t actually hold romantic interest with any of em and i just like hanging out with em i really don’t care, plus im confidant enough on my own where if they bugger off and go do couple shit im good.

    But honestly if i was in your position unless i actively wanted to be around em i would just stop hanging out entirely, i may not mind being the “third wheel” doesn’t mean i want to be the third wheel.

  2. You could get a different answer from anyone that reads this and they all could be wrong or all could be right or anything in between. The only way to find out is to ask.

    In addition you could ask yourself why you want to know and if you found out, would it change anything?

  3. Exhibitionism is the general term for a couple that wants to be seen, possibly wants to induce envy in others.

    I have definitely had times when I felt I had been invited as a sort of “cuckold” type fantasy on their part. I know that’s not the exact term for this scenario, but I felt like the couple wanted me to be uncomfortable, to feel awkward.

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