During the previous week I spend a couple of days at my boyfriend’s dad’s house. I came back home yesterday. Today, my boyfriend told me that when he took a walk with his dad, his dad said that I’m not a beauty, but I am above average looking.

Honestly this comment sounds so harsh to me. I know I’m not pretty but it seems like he wanted to say that I’m not beautiful and just added the ‘above average’ to make it seem bearable.

I spent the whole time wearing no make up, baggy clothes etc, I wanted to be comfortable so ofc I made little effort to look beautiful. It just hurts me that my natural self is not enough. Ngl this comment got me crying and it’s gonna be very hard for me to feel pretty ever again, especially since I’ve already been insecure.

It also bothers me that a male who’s in his 50 has the audacity to judge young women’s looks. He’s fat himself, his forehead is begging for botox and he generally is very unattractive. It’s bothering me that a male this old and this ugly still has the audacity to point out young women’s looks. Also, when me and my boyfriend were talking with him, he mentioned his 18yo niece and that it bothers him she has a mustache. It’s such a weird thing to mention when talking about family.

I honestly feel very negative about him right now, I texted my boyfriend that I do not want to spend anymore time with his dad. I know it’s gonna be an issue since we are in a quite serious relationship. Am I exaggerating? How would you deal with this?

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