I have a group of friend around 12 people, the thing is that I feel like I’m not a part of it anymore ever since our tennis season is over. We all got close due to tennis but after season, I feel so isolated from my friend group

NOTE: My friends are all great people, they always invite me and stuff. Play games, going to eat out, watch movie, etc. I will only show up when they’re doing a big hangout. One of the main reason why I decline is because I live far as heck.

I feel isolated because they all have so much in common.

They all drink, I don’t

They don’t workout, I do (Only 2 people)

They’re all in the same area, I’m not

They all party, I don’t

They play games, I don’t

I also feel that some of them, if not, majority of them like other people better than me which is understandable. This could be one of the reason why I feel isolated.

I’m not saying that I’m better than them. I’m just giving as much as example as I can on why I feel isolated from my friend. Personally, I also don’t feel that I’m better than them.

If it’s a me problem then I would agree as well.

I don’t know what I should do at this point, find a new friend group? It took a while to find a friend group to adapt to so that’s one of my fear.

What should I do?

  1. Learn to be alone and turn that into productive time at some type of hobby that could be relatable to other people in your area. Go out. Say Hi to everyone. Be the person who is contagious to be around. Finding a new friend would be my suggestion but that easier said than done.

  2. You choose not to hang out with them, but also seem sad about them not wanting to hang out anymore. Is that right?

    If you wanted to hang out, you should. If you don’t, then don’t. It doesn’t make sense to fake it.

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