Besides online. It also has never worked for me.

  1. Go to the bar solo. Just don’t be a weird lingerer that thinks just because someone acknowledges your existence they want you to linger around trying to be a part of whatever they have going on.

  2. …..going back 30 years, and beyond……How did the human race survive back then? Leave the house, make some friends. Some of them will inevitably be women. Find one that you like, and pursue her. Rinse, repeat until you succeed. This formula has worked for thousands of years.

  3. Make friends first. Go do something where other people are at, talk to them, share in the interests of what you all are doing. Keep going and see the same people time and again, approach and discuss hanging out, like inviting them over for a bbq or something.

  4. If dating apps don’t work, what makes you think in real life will? Have you maximised your attractiveness?

  5. Go volunteer at the local food bank. I work as a contractor at a large food bank in northern Illinois and I just can’t believe how many nice women work there. 

  6. Depends. What are your intentions for meeting these “mythical” women?

    As for me, I’ve met plenty of women at school. Also, I’ve met plenty of women at my jobs. It helps too if you work adjacent to industries that are typically dominated by the “pink collar”, like schools, nursing, etc.

    Seems to me that when I was in HS, just about every year there was one teacher marrying another teacher. When I was young, I worked in a lot of restaurants where my chronological peers held a lot of the “front of house” jobs.

    As for bars, I’ve never dated anybody that I met at a bar, but I have chatted up quite a few women who parked themselves on the stool next to mine, especially in the “Happy Hour” hour or two.

  7. In my area we have a Board Gaming group that meets weekly.
    The local bookstore has a board for activities like Yoga, RPGers looking for groups, wine tasting tours, etc…
    I know there are car groups that meet, but those don’t interest me.
    Check Facebook for events in your area and go to them.

    Look for activities that interest you, go to those activities, talk with people, make friends. Then you either meet women who will want to be more than friends, or make friends who know women.

    If only it was as simple as going to the store, going to aisle 5 for brunettes or aisle 6 for petite redheads, putting one in the cart and going to check out. Until androids become a thing, you have to be a person and do people things to meet new people.

  8. I have friends but I use hinge I don’t like to rely on others at all to help me find a partner

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