Well this is it. I broke up with her for my mental sanity but I feel worse. The situation here is that she’s always extremely jealous of every person that I know, my few female friends, females I don’t even know, even with the females in my family. We were together almost 2 years, I have talked about how I felt with her but to no avail. We talked about her being too jealous and promised change but I never saw that change in her. I put up with her attitude almost an entire year. She also told me sometimes that she didn’t love me and she was always looking to other men in her phone. She was always accusing me of cheating on her when I didn’t have communication with females. Now that we broke up she thinks I cheated on her, I explained the situation but she doesn’t seem to care. Whenever I talk to her she seems to act she never cared. She feels ok as if I were nothing on her life or as if nothing happended between us. She seems to have a new bf already. Well I feel absolutely destroyed because I still love her. I do not have too close friends to let off steam. I wanna cry. I am destroyed. I still love her but her attitude of “I don’t care” towards me destroys me more. Any advice I’m tired of feeling like this… I want to move on…

  1. To be honest Imma base this on advice my nana once gave me before she passed away. “If someone is constantly accusing, they are doing what they accuse you of. If they pick little fights for no reason for an excuse to leave? It’s so they can go see that other person” usually it’s as simple as that. She has a guilty conscious and accuses you to feel better. You did the right thing. Y’all were together a long time so it might take a few months, but you’ll get past this. You took the hardest step, you stood up for yourself and said enough is enough! You can do this. Just stay strong. You’ll find someone worth your love, effort and energy when you least expect it.

  2. You did the right thing and if you kept being with her, you probably would never have any relationship with anyone else. Also, if she already got someone else, she was just being a a.hole, being manipulative, controlling and probably chesting on you, people who are too jealous usually are the cheaters.

    You are probably just too attached to her emotionally, take your time to heal, focus on self improvement, find healthy hobbies and you will be fine, take your time to grieve and when you feel better, move on. You dodged a bullet, be glad, i know its gard to see it now, but once you get into a lovibg and peaceful relationship, you will thank for getting rid of her.

    Take care.

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