I’m a 26yo female living in the Pacific Northwest in America. The reputation of people here tends to be very left leaning and progressive, which I support and respect (until it disrupts the peace, y’know, extremists and all that). I like to think I’m really good at having controversial conversations with people, I’m always open to the idea of changing my mind.. with *some* things.

The last few guys I’ve been talking to have been really wonderful and sweet for the most part, until we reach a fork in the road where they’re stuck on their side and I’m stuck on mine. These discussions aren’t uncomfortable, I just politely say that our differing opinions on the matter are a deal breaker for me. They always get it.

One guy, wow perfect. It was fantastic for like, two weeks. Then he starts talking about the homeless problem.. says he hates homeless people so much that he wishes they could just be eradicated. I asked him if he was joking.. he was not.

Another guy was being SO sweet and I really opened up to him and thought it could be something really special, but then I mentioned how I’d always fight for my trans homies and he quickly changed the subject. I brought us back and asked his view on trans people, he said he simply can’t agree with the lifestyle and that he’s very conservative. I asked him, “so if we’re hanging out with my group of friends and one of them is trans (you wouldn’t even know), would you be comfortable with that?” And he said he would but they wouldn’t because he **doesn’t respect pronouns**… Sorry, if you intentionally misgender my friends, you’re not a friend of mine.

It’s becoming harder and harder to find someone who aligns with my moral compass. But, I won’t settle for less.

Edit: ok here’s my question. How long should I wait to bring these topics up in conversation? I don’t want to waste too much time if they’re just going to blatantly disagree with human rights.

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