So me and my boyfriend, Brian have been dating long distance for 3 months. Last month he came to visit and stay for 2 weeks with me. He has some friends who also live in the same city as me and used it as an opportunity to meet up with them as well.


Upon the first meeting his female friend, Ashley, who he has known for 5 years, she was very critical of me. It had only been barely two days of his visit and she was asking and judging all the places I’ve taken him to see or eat at so far. Saying things like, “Op, you took him for pizza on his first night here? Really? Pizza?” even though pizza is one Brian’s favorite foods to eat. It wasn’t like I took him to some chain pizza place like Pizza Hut, it was a classy wood stone pizza restaurant with a nice selection of craft beers and cocktails. There was also another time when she kept telling me to take him to the local mall and other places, I took her advice and took him there. We ended up going on a weekday, so there wasn’t too many people there, but we still enjoyed our time there just walking around and talking. When we let her know about it, she was so upset questioning why I took him there at that time when there wasn’t a lot of people and asking what was I thinking. I just felt like I couldn’t win and I was getting worn down by her nagging and having an issue where I would take him during his visit so I stopped telling her whenever she’d ask.


A week after his visit, we were all in a voice call hanging out and gaming when Ashley asked Brian about his visit and if he *loved* the city. He said he enjoyed his visit but that the city we lived in was a little too suburban for him and he preferred a more urban city, like the one he is currently living. For some reason that set her off and she started accusingly asking me where did I take him and why did he leave not loving the city. I was confused but just said it was his opinion and it wasn’t like he wasn’t going to visit anymore because of that and he’d be back regardless. That wasn’t good enough for her and she went on a tangent on how if he didn’t love our city after his visit then I didn’t do a good job. It made me feel like a shit girlfriend and shit host. I ended up privately talking to my boyfriend about it later, since it made me upset that he let her go off on me like that. I reminded him how much she had been nagging me the whole time he was here visiting and how frustrating it felt that everything I did was not good enough for her. Also due to her outburst, I now felt insecure about whether he did enjoy his time visiting me or not. Brian said that he would talk to her about it and reassured me that he did have a good time, he also explained that what made him want to come back to visit was me and not the city.


A few days after that incident whenever I join him and his friends to hangout/game, Ashley will explicitly point me out and jokingly/accusingly ask me if I had been talking shit about her. She has done this on two occasions whenever I join them and it’s literally the first thing she says to me. I don’t know what to do, it feels like this is going to be a cycle with her.


tldr; My boyfriend’s female friend has been passive aggressive towards me, after he defended me and told her to stop making certain comments towards me. I’m not sure what I should do or say since my boyfriend and I are still so early into dating.

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