So my friend is super pretty and everyone likes her. She isn’t popular but she is well known, laid back, and really likeable. Every guy likes her and that’s great and I’m happy for her. But what sucks is even the guys that I like like her and that hurts a bit. One time she fell in class and the guy I liked went and helped her up. Another guy I like always snaps her but can remember my name. I don’t wanna be jealous of her, but every day I see all these guys talking and messing around with her and it makes me feel like something is wrong with me. It’s like no one will ever like me and everyone thinks I’m annoying. She says that everyone thinks SHES annoying when I tell her this but It just makes me mad when she says that bc it’s me in her shadow almost. I feel like a jerk writing this but I can’t tell her so I’m telling you guys.

  1. >It’s like no one will ever like me and everyone thinks I’m annoying.

    This most likely isn’t true, even if the rest of your post is. You’re being insecure here. There’s no reason people won’t like you just because people also like her. If people think so well of your friend, they probably think well of you too. Cool people attract cool friends.

  2. Everyone has their own insecurities. She probably genuinely feels like she upsets or annoys people. You have your own insecurities too. One of the most attractive traits is confidence. Seriously, have you met someone who’a attractive but super insecure and it’s just a turnoff? Vs someone who might not be as physically attractive but is so confident everyone is into them? I suggest faking confidence. The whole fake it to you make it. Literally find some model or actress or someone your admire. Pretend you look like them when you speak to people. Pretend you have the confidence that person would have. Then eventually you will start to get it. As for the girl, she had her own insecurities and clearly doesn’t see what you see. It’s okay to feel a bit jealous, but try to work on faking the confidence until it’s real. The only person who truly knows you’re faking it is you. It’ll be great the day it’s true.

  3. Stop being so hard on yourself. Just because a bunch of guys fawn over her now doesn’t mean it’ll always be that way and it doesn’t automatically mean you’re unattractive. Things change a lot when you get out of school.

    Trust me, once they get tired of competing for her affection they’ll be more receptive to you. Those aren’t the type of guys you want though. You’re better off forgetting about them. Your friendship is more important and you don’t want them causing a riff between you two.

  4. Watching another woman’s grass to see how green your is. Chinese proverb. Brutal honesty, take a step back, you sound too enthralled with your friend, she is getting attention so what, why not just have fun and focus on self.

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