Hello so my husband and I are expecting a baby July 9th we are very excited, and for more than a few reasons are having a C-section birth, as most people know having a C-section means having a long and painful recovery but it’s what we have to do. In October my husband’s brother is getting married. We are very excited for them but their wedding is soon after our delivery date , they’re getting married in New York. Our baby will be around three months. When we broke the news to everyone that we were expecting ,his brother gently hinted that we should not travel with a baby, which I agree with, however, I think it was more of a way to say they did not want a newborn baby at their wedding, which I understand completely, I would not want a newborn baby at my wedding as well. I do not want my baby to be in a very populated city at a big event with people we don’t know . Me and my husband had talked about not going. I even suggested that he go and I stay in our state with our baby. (even though him leaving me for a week after having a baby and still possibly being in recovery makes me very scared and makes me feel kind of alone. – I did not tell him this because I didn’t want that to be a reason he not go) however, he said that he wants to stay with us . We recently talked to his parents and they had said they are so excited to see us in New York and are ready to help with the baby. I tried to communicate with them that we aren’t going due to the high risk of him getting sick as well as not being fully vaccinated at the age of three months and they said “ well, we took our kids traveling when they were younger or that age so take it from us. It’s fine” I am happy that they felt comfortable being able to do that and it worked out for them. But I don’t know how to communicate that I wouldn’t feel comfortable flying across the country with a three month old baby to attend a wedding. Am I in the wrong for not wanting this ? At first my husband didn’t think it was a big deal we go either. Am I overthinking this?

TL;DR my husband’s brother is having a wedding three months after our baby is scheduled to be born with a C-section. My in-laws don’t think it’s a big deal. We travel with a newborn baby to a wedding and I don’t know how to tell them that that’s not something I’m comfortable doing.

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