So, I (25F) have a friend (24M) who I play dungeons and dragons with. I’ve been playing with him for the better part of two years, but only within the last 6 months or so have I been going over to his place to play in his campaign. It’s been really great fun!

This past week, we couldn’t have our session due to one of our players having a concert for his college orchestra, so I suggested we all attend as a group to support this player. The only one who was up to go was my friend. I was a little nervous since it almost felt like an impromptu/accidental date, but maybe that’s just my hopeless romanticism clouding my judgement. He suggested we carpool, so I agreed and went to pick him up.

Not only was he dressed up very nice, but he also wore a really fabulous cologne (which he, as far as I’m aware, NEVER does), and was very gentlemanly throughout the night. Not anything crazy, but just holding open a door or two as we were walking and talking together. He’s generally a very kind and respectful person as well, so I think that probably has made things a little muddy.

I don’t have the most experience when it comes to casual dating, as I’ve only been in a couple of relationships with less-than-stellar men. I’m not necessarily opposed to the idea of dating him, however I’m unsure of what kind of signals he was trying to give off. He is notorious for being VERY oblivious when women are trying to flirt with him, so I’m unsure if he would attempt anything in that area.

Is wearing cologne something that’s normally reserved for attracting somebody? Cause to be blunt it REALLY worked.

TL;DR, D&D nerd who is notoriously “bad” with women wore cologne and I’m unsure of if he was signaling something or if I’m looking far too into things.

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