TL;DR: Four years ago I made a mistake my cheating on my boyfriend, and the guilt has been eating me up for years.Now that we are finally about to get married I’m wondering if I should come clean, but I’m scared of losing him.

I’ve (28F) been in a relationship with my boyfriend (28M) for eight years, and we’re about to get married. However, there’s something weighing heavily on my conscience. About four years ago, during a rough patch in our relationship, I made a terrible mistake – I cheated on him for about two months.

Since then, I’ve felt consumed by guilt and regret, but I never found the courage to confess. Now, as we’re on the brink of getting married, I’m faced with an agonizing decision. Should I come clean before the wedding with the possible risk destroying everything we’ve built together? Or should I keep this secret buried, knowing it could haunt me forever?

I’m torn between my desire to be honest and my fear of losing the person I love. I know that telling him would shatter his trust in me, but I also worry about the consequences of starting our marriage with such a significant lie between us.

Since my little cheating journey I really have changed a lot, and have grown to be a much better person than I was 4 years ago. Deep down I know he deserved to know a long time ago, but I really don’t know if confessing would be worth it. That isn’t who I am anymore, and possibly losing him over my past self would be devastating.

I’m seeking advice on what to do in this impossible situation. Should I confess and risk losing him, or should I keep quiet and try to move forward with our wedding? Any guidance would be deeply appreciated.

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