Some few years ago, I (18f) noticed that when I speak to other people, I don’t know how to answer, especially when they talk to me about their problems or a delicate situation they went through.

Those situations made me lose the little confidence that I got with people I’d thought I start to making a friendship, and now our interactions are, mostly, small talks. That is why I tried to copy the ways other people respond or act in those situations, but I didn’t get to improve anything. Ex. chats through messages on social media that always I started (and the replies had been usually short and tended to close the conversation) and say the words that I’d heard others use.

I don’t know what more to do, I want to talk with others, make friends, be with them when they needed and to make, at least, one deeper friendship. But I don’t know how.

(Sorry if there’s a grammatical mistake or something isn’t understood, English isn’t my first language).


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